Monday, April 30, 2012

This just in, the news will continue to grow more and more opinionated and less about the actual news it is supposed to be reporting in the first place. Throughout all of the years that I’ve watched the news, in both the forms of television and YouTube, I have noticed a decrease in both news and the credibility of those giving it. Although the vloggers, video bloggers, I watch on YouTube are, in my opinion, more credible than the actual news casters, even they have their own opinions on what they are broadcasting. This new opinionated based news broadcasting is what brings down the credibility and the reliability to tell the nation what is happening in other countries.
            It’s always frustrating to me to have conversations with people who watch the news. With the new ways of getting the news are growing more and more popular, the news media had a bigger competitor to deal with in order to keep their own stations maintained. A lot of the media show that has slowly been growing for years has increased over the past few years to a circus of sorts. They all have been turned into segmented sections to try and hold the attention of the new instant gratification generation. However, this switch has seriously lessened the amount of news that we are subjected too. I pride myself on finding out information and being as knowledgeable on a subject as I can, so when I talk to others who rely solely on the mainstream media for their news it’s often frustrating to get them to understand almost everything that has been fed to them is unreliable and biased. That is not to say that my sources aren’t also biased, I, like many, many others who get their information online get it from more than one source and piece together what we can to understand the fullest back story behind the story.
            This new way of the news being broadcast is not only annoying bur severely damages how we, as Americans view the outside world. We are so focused on our own news and the skateboarding dog that we sometimes have trouble remembering that there are other countries out there which demand our attention and deserve our sympathy. Many of us stay in a blissful ignorance and ignore the outside world. Many people feel more peace in ignoring what is happening to continue to watch their skateboarding dog rather than fully understand the world and everything that is happening in it. These people only further perpetuate the stereotype that the media has it write by feeding us this fluffy and useless information instead of just the straight, cold, hard facts.